Friday, October 06, 2006


Taking a Break REALLY Helps!

If you read my last post, you'll know that we skipped practice on that day because my daughter was just soooo frustrated. Yesterday I just let her play anything she wanted for 45 minutes and the change was amazing. Today we will have to get back to the scales, technique and all that, but I'm really happy with where we are right now. I have to keep remembering that everyone needs a break or a chance just to do something different.

I also think alot of the frustration is coming from lack of focus. We haven't had a lesson in over two weeks because my daughter had the chicken pox (and YES, she did have the vaccination for it and got them anyway!) In the past when, for one reason or another, we've got more than two weeks without a lesson, there is always this lack of focus. So that could be part of it as well.

Have a great day!

Leah is a Mom and proud creator of, a site aimed at helping and encouraging parents of violin students.

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